First flown in 1935, the Minimoa established a number of records, including the world altitude record in 1938 (using lift in cumulo nimbus cloud) of 6,687 m./ 21,939 ft. The name was an abbreviation of its original nickname, Mini- Moazagotl, as it was a smaller successor of Hirth’s earlier 20 m. Moazagotl. Distinctive in many…

The single-place self-launching Motorspatz was first flown in 1960, with the –24A and –24B models appearing subsequently. Approach control is with spoilers.

3OsfAi dkhrakzesyeh, [url=]zkeropazjbhs[/url], [link=]oezinivzvfvl[/link],

Schempp-Hirth’s replacement for the Nimbus 2 was the Nimbus 3. The original version, which first flew in 1981, has a 22.9 m. wing, which may be increased to 24.5 m. with tip extensions. The wing is in four pieces plus the tip extensions, and is equipped with flaps interconnected with upper surface trailing edge airbrakes.…

The Nimbus 2 (developed from the 1969 22 m. Nimbus which George Moffat won the Open Class World Championships at Marfa, Texas in 1970) first flew in 1971. The four piece wing has flaps interconnected with the ailerons with settings which range from +6 to –8 degrees, with 20 degrees for landing. Later –2B and…